Monday, April 7, 2008

The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment

The book by Jeremiah Burroughs is my Puritan Paperback for the month of April. Fifty pages in I am really enjoying it. Chapter two "The Mystery of Contentment" begins with three principles worth pondering today.

The Christian attaining contentment is the most contented person and the most unsatisfied. He can be content even with just a little. He is satisfied with nothing short of God himself.

The Christian comes to contentment not so much by way of addition, but by way of subtraction. The way is through subtracting from what we will be content with, not by adding to what we have.

The Christian comes to contentment not by taking away their burdens, but adding a particular burden. We often fail to give due consideration of our sinfulness and what it rightly deserves. When we ponder our just desserts we are moved to be humble under whatever burdens or afflictions God gives for us to carry.

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