Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More from The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment

Still working my way through this delightful little book by Puritan Jeremiah Burroughs. This morning in the midst of a long discussion about murmuring Burroughs also answered the question - What is the work of God when He graciously brings a sinner home to him?

1. He makes the soul to see, and be sensible of the dreadful evil that is in sin. It is a gracious work of God that would have a glimpse of just how destructive and dastardly our sin is. Those who have known repentance and faith, have also known the depths of their sinfulness.

2. He takes the heart off from the creature and turns it to the excellencies of Christ. By creature here he means all that is created becomes less desirable than Christ. Part of God's graciousness toward us is to help us see where the source of our eternal welfare and joy is - and is not - to be found.

3. The soul is fitted to the rule, order, and disposal of our divine King. The work of the Spirit begins to sanctify us to be content in whatever providences God allows for our shaping and molding, even afflictions.

4. There is a continuation of this mercy and transformation. Our hearts are continually converted to love God and all of his purposes in our life until our heart is fully His.

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