Sunday, May 25, 2008

Commencement Address

Well, Thursday I gave my first ever commencement address. Yes, I was the commencement speaker for the Grace Prep Class of 2008. Some of the graduates were students in my Biblical Worldview Class that I taught over the past year. The theme was "Turning the Page" and I shared some thoughts about what is waiting for the students beyond the doors. Here is my favorite part:

A New Kind of Freedom – As Americans we love freedom and rightfully so. It is invigorating. For many of you, you may live away from home and its parental controls for the first time this coming year. You quite possibly may be looking forward to not having to give an answer for where you have been and what you have been doing. I want to caution you with what I think is a bit of Biblical advice about what it means to be free.


The most sriking lesson about freedom I have ever learned came through Alexander Dumas’ classic story The Count of Montechristo. If you remember, the story is about a young man named Edmond who is rising in his career as a sailor and about to b married to his fiancĂ© Mercedes when he is unjustly accused of treason and throne into the forgotten prison Chateu d’If. He is incensed with anger and spends many days plotting the revenge he would take if he is released. More so than the physical confines he is confined by a deep hatred and desire for vengeance on the people who stole his life. In a strange occurrence a Wise Priest who is digging a tunnel to escape form the prison takes a wrong turn and digs into Edmonds cell. Through the love and wisdom of the old man the prisoner finds an impressive contentment and peace as he learns a variety of subjects from the Educated Priest. In his new life and friendship with the priest he forgets his anger and thirst for vengeance. As the priest dies he tells Edmond of a secret fortune and Edmond finds an opportunity for escape by taking the priests place in the body bag.


Once he escapes, Edmond’s passion for revenge is renewed and the next years of his life are caught up in repaying the evil that had been done to him. His life is totally consumed by his one desire of vengeance. Now if you have never read the story or seen the movie I will not ruin it, but one of the most important questions it raises is What does it mean to be free? When Edmond is in prison and has spent a significant time with his friend the priest he is able to move past his hatred for the injustice done to him. He is free to love and learn wisdom and virtue. When he escapes prison he is enslaved to lustful and hateful passions that consume the rest of his life. Freedom awaits you, but what kind of freedom will it be. Will it be the freedom to live a life of virtue and service to God and others or a sort of bondage to individual lusts and sinful passions that will only be further intoxicated by your newfound liberties to choose. In one manner or the other you wil experience some new freedoms